Saturday 18 April 2009

URBAN FANTASY REVIEW: Bone Crossed - Patricia Briggs


Car mechanic and sometime shapeshifter Mercy Thompson has learned, the hard way, why her race was almost exterminated. When European vampires immigrated to North America, they found Mercy's people had a hidden talent - for vampire slaying. Unfortunately for Mercy, the queen of the local vampire seethe has discovered her true identity. She's also furious when she learns Mercy has crossed her and killed one of her vampires. Mercy may be protected from direct reprisals by the werewolf pack (and her interesting relationship with its Alpha), but that just means Marsilia will come after Mercy some other way. So Mercy had better prepare to watch her back.


If you love your supernatural with Wolves, Vamps and all types of Fae and you haven’t yet tried Patty Briggs then you are in for a treat as this fourth book in her Mercy Thompson series. As usual with Patty you get a feisty heroine, a cracking storyline and a tale that really is a pure delight to read. That said you can break into the series here but you really are missing a treat. However the thing that you’ll also have to bear in mind with this series is the crime that was perpentrated upon Mercy at the end of the previous novel which is still quite disturbing that the author chose to use it within the context of the tale. Its well written, the emotional aspect in places is heart rending but it’s a tale of adventure and the struggle to overcome past events.

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