Sunday 12 April 2009

YA REVIEW: Aliens in Underpants Save the World - Claire Freedman, Ben Cort


Aliens love underpants, It's lucky that they do, For pants helped save our universe, Sounds crazy, but it's true! Aliens in underpants are back - and this time they are on a mission to save the world! A gigantic meteorite is heading for planet earth and the aliens' pants supply is under threat. Can our crazy aliens save planet earth and secure their pants supply forever more?


There’s no harsher critic of books than that of a young reader, they don’t pull punches and if they don’t like it they’ll let you know in the most obvious way (possibly by throwing the book.) So when I caught up with my nephew the obvious tester was to see how he’d react to this book.

Whilst he is a tad younger than the recommended reading age for the book my nephew is learning to appreciate books at an early age and loves nothing more than being read to. Here he got what he wanted, beautiful, colourful pictures and a story he could follow that entertained him. Its well written, it’s a book that has pictures that are not only gorgeous but also animated and if you need anything else of a recommendation it’s a book that he’s had read to him a few times already. If a book can amuse a child for a number of times in quick succession and is a book that he demands when asked which one he wants then you have to take serious notice of it.

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