Thursday 3 September 2009

YOUNG ADULT REVIEW: An Awful Beastly Business: The Jungle Vampire - The Beastly Boys


Ulf is on a mission to discover a legendary jungle vampire said to live in an ancient tribal burial ground in the heart of the Amazon jungle. Baron Marackai wants to slay the beast for money. Ulf encounters lots of jungle creatures before finally encountering the vampire in the blood-red heart of the jungle.


As a fan of the previous Awful Beastly Business books I really do look forward to the latest adventure arriving as a positive message of conservation is passed onto the younger reader generation with an adventure that they won’t be able to put down.

Once again, its well written, its interesting and this time takes the reader in the deepest darkest jungle for an adventure of epic proportions. A great series and one that I heartily recommend. Good stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to sell my son on this as his next series. It sounds like something he'd really enjoy :D
