Thursday 10 December 2009

ART BOOK REVIEW: Draw and Paint the Realm of the Faerie - Ed Org


One of the world's finest fantasy artists, Ed Org, takes you on an awe-inspiring journey into the realm of faerie. This book presents practical step-by-step instructions on pencil and colour techniques to help you to create beautiful faerie characters in striking surroundings. It includes an indispensable photo reference of models and props, including costumes, masks and weapons, which you can use to get the most out of your faerie art. It concludes with a stunning gallery selection of Ed Org's finest pieces, topping off a truly inspiring package for any lover of this magical realm.


As a person who has a happy time trooping through the countryside, I’ve often wondered how the world would look were the world of the Fae erupt into our own and having been an admirer of Ed’s work for years I was pretty stoked when I learned of this release.

What he covers within is pretty phenomenal. Whereas a lot of art books talk about shapes as well as scene composition, Ed takes this concept further. Whilst he does cover these basic’s he delves deeper into the medium by pointing out that the artist has to have the details right, for example facial constructs such as having the eyes as well as mouth as well as the details for the hands. Clothing, can be forgiven, the viewers eyes on such basic’s are not. Then he also goes on to give the reader more advice such as utilising photo’s to help create the flow of the piece. Whilst not everyone can afford to hire their own model and clothing there are sites out there where general photo’s of a model in various period clothing is available in various poses for the artist to use.

All the advice in here is not only beautifully put together but relates to each other to allow the reader/artist to create a piece that would perhaps have taken many years of experience as well as a great many days of trial and error to create. It’s a book of not just wonderful creation but something that will take the reader onto the next artistic stage of development.

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