Tuesday 15 December 2009

FANTASY REVIEW: Kushiel's Mercy - Jacqueline Carey


Sidonie, heir to the throne, and Imriel, son of a traitor, have confessed their dangerous union. But their love has caused political uproar: Imriel's infamous mother plunged Terre d'Ange into a bloody war and her crimes will not be lightly forgiven. If the couple weds, Sidonie will be disinherited. A union will only be permitted if Imriel finds the mother he has never known and returns her to Court for execution. But newer evils take precedence when a visiting diplomat casts a dark enchantment over the d'Angeline Court. The sorcerer returns home with Sidonie in his thrall, and falsely-won pledges of support in a foreign war. Imriel must evade bewitched friends and work with erstwhile enemies to rescue Sidonie and pull the country back from the brink of conflict. And no one but him remembers their forbidden romance.


To be honest not my favourite of the Kushiel series. It was pretty slow and unfortunately what had been done so well previously had been virtually ignored in this offering. Add to that, the characters seemed to take two steps back losing a lot of the careful fully rounded emotional context that the author had caringly built up in previous offerings and it put a real downer on my whole reading experience.

That said, it is still well written against a lot of other authors but against the series and from what I’d come to expect from. Here’s hoping that book six gets her back to the form that I’ve come to love and that more organic human emotional context is returned to the status of which it deserves.

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