Monday 8 February 2010



Sick World was a planet dedicated to the ill, the deformed, the dying and the dead...

Humanity as an organism was not the most durable chassis. After mixing it up with aliens, the human shell developed a host of unwanted and incurable ailments . . . esoteric diseases, curious viruses, life-changing bugs, vomit-inducing deformations. So a beautiful planet, Sick World, was terraformed with limitless funding, state-of-the-art research centres, gleaming wards and towering operating theatres providing unparalleled care, a perfection of medicine and a pinnacle of repair for the plethora of grotesque diseases and mutating conditions. However, a thousand years ago something happened, and the planet was evacuated in totality. Today, it lies uninhabited.

Combat K—Keenan, Franco and Pippa—are forced by implanted logic cubes into an unholy alliance of cooperation. Their mission: to infiltrate Sick World and carry out a simple fact-finding reconnaissance prior to SLAM excavations to research the new Junk threat. It should have been safe, simple, secure.

As the first day fades, so a long hibernation ends. For the Medical Staff of Sick World—the doctors, the nurses, the patients, all those abandoned long ago—have been undergoing a thousand year gestation of hardcore medical mutation and accelerated healthcare technology. Now they can smell the fresh meat and are beginning to awake...

HARDCORE. You’ll never look at a nurse the same way again.


The latest offering in Andy’s Combat K series and one that continues to build upon the success of the previous. Here, Combat K must inevitably seek a way to fight against mankind’s biggest threat and whilst they seek answers must also cease from infighting on a scale never before seen. Great combat sequences, alongside fun characters, leave the reader with a feel for Andy’s style of hard-wired combat with each violent sequence. Add to the mix character traits that many authors would not dream of touching and you have a large keg of explosive just waiting to set itself off.

Whilst this might seem pretty strange its these touches that leaves you wondering if he really is a mad man on the scale of a certain “Haggis” or a genius for the sheer scope and depravity that he manages to inject within his tightly bound pages. Add to the mix a weird dystopia of supporting cast alongside a deviant’s cast of villains and you get something that’s either going to repel or satisfy you. Good solid fun, but definitely not a novel for the younger reader.

NEWS: Andy's Book Trailer for this novel will soon be available however please visit either Andy's site or Grunge Films for Production Stills.

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