Thursday 18 March 2010

YOUNG ADULT REVIEW: Vampirates: Empire of Night - Justin Somper


Sidorio, fuelled by grief and revenge, is intent on becoming King of the Vampirates and building a new empire to bring terror to the oceans. He faces growing opposition from both the Pirate Federation, including Vampirate Assassin Cheng Li, and the Nocturnals - the more benign vampirate realm - led by Mosh Zu and Lorcan Furey. Both the pirates and the Nocturnals are forced to raise their game in response to the new and urgent threat from Sidorio and the renegade Vampirates. Twins Grace and Connor Tempest, still ricocheting from the recent discovery of their true parenthood and its explosive implications, are thrust deep into the heart of the conflict. Old foes and allies are thrown together in unexpected ways and, as the stakes rise higher than ever before, Grace and Connor find their alliances shifting in ways no-one could ever have possibly foreseen...


Fans of the series will have been running in the dead of night to get their hands on this, the fifth release in this Young Adult title. As you have come to expect by now these titles are must own books. The series not only has a depth to it but characters that grow, face choices and have to live with the consequences of their options. Mix into this that the reader has recently had the Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker Empire Strikes Back moment and you know that whatever Justin does is going to keep you glued to the last page. Beautifully written with panoramic mental scenery tied up with a top-notch story arc and it is a book that will keep the fans happy. Whilst you can dive in to the series here, I would advise against that and tell you to start at the beginning as this is becoming a standard to set YA Fiction by.

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