Sunday 20 June 2010

NEWS: David Gemmell Legend Award Winners Announced

Hail Mighty Readers,
The David Gemmell Legend Award has announced the winners of this years tough competition. After a lot of voting the choices came down as:

Ravensheart Award: Best Served Cold – Didier Graffet, Dave Senior and Laura Brett. For the shortlist poll there were votes from 64 different countries, with the top voters being from the USA and the UK.

Morningstar Award: The Cardinal’s Blades by Pierre Pevel. For the shortlist poll there were votes from 34 different countries, with the top voters being from the USA France and the UK.

Legend Award: Empire by Graham McNeill. For the shortlist poll there were votes from 91 different countries, with the top voters being from the USA, the UK, France and Canada.

Congratulation to the winners and of course to those who made it to the second round. These were (all book nommed links to our reviews where possible):

Stephen Deas- The Adamantine Palace - Gollancz
Jesse Bullington - The Sad Tales of the Brothers Grossbart - Orbit
Amanda Downum - The Drowning City - Orbit
Pierre Pevel - The Cardinal's Blades - Gollancz
Ken Scholes - Lamentation - Tor US

Brandon Sanderson - Warbreaker - Tor US
Pierre Pevel - The Cardinal's Blades - Gollancz
Graham McNeill - Empire - Black Library
Joe Abercrombie - Best Served Cold - Gollancz and Orbit
Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson - The Gathering Storm - Tor US

Once again congrats to everyone concerned.

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