Tuesday 12 October 2010

ART BOOK REVIEW: Oil Painting for the Absolute Beginner - Mark and Mary Willenbrink

Release Date: 24/09/10


This title includes easy-to-follow techniques, tips and step-by-step demonstrations that provide guidance and encouragement for beginning artists to paint with oils. Familiar subjects, simple compositions and a realistic style build confidence in beginning artists giving them the skills they need to create finished oil paintings. The reader will enjoy the 10 mini demonstrations and 12 complete painting demonstrations. The bonus DVD features a complete painting workshop with the authors.


To a lot of people, art has always been something that completely escapes them, not that they don’t have an interest but the question of where to begin feels to big a piece for them to tackle. Looking at it in the perspective of a mountain that has to be moved rather than looking for the first rock and going from there.

What Mark and Mary do in this title is break it all down into manageable chunks so that the reader has a chance to get started and begin to get their own footing into the world of oil painting. This title covers everything from gathering your materials (which includes help setting you up with paints alongside brushes and easel etc.) through to some basic art principles so that you can break your subject down and make a start. Add practical techniques and then step by step guides to some paintings and you can see how it all begins to work and gather a useful set of skills to begin learning on your own. Finally add a comprehensive DVD to help and its pretty much an ideal tutor.

All in, I found this a great book, it was informative, the subject matter was easily broken down and comprehensive to understand and I’ve gained a few new skills (alongside some paint stains on clothing) to begin my own exploration. It’s a great way to get started and if I’m honest will open the way so that many people can start to create their own artwork which will make ideal presents for friends and family.

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