Thursday 17 February 2011

URBAN FANTASY REVIEW: Spellcrackers 3: The Bitter Seed of Magic - Suzanne McLeod

Release Date: 17/02/11




As a fan of the Spellcracker series, I was a little disappointed back in October when I discovered that the new title was to be delayed until Feb. Still that said, I had the opportunity to plan part of my new year reads around it so made sure that the “supplies” (A Chilled bottle of Dandelion and Burdock, some Mint Puffins and a decent bagette) were available for my guilty free extended reading session. (Well a guy has to look after himself.)

What unfurled within was a story that had plenty of twists and turns, some magical double dealing and perhaps best of all a beautifully paced mystery that took smarts alongside kickass attitude to solve. Back that up with some character growth, a good pinch of romance and some skulduggery that will take time to unfurl how deep it extends and the reader really has a treat in store. Finally add to the mix an author who continues to grow in their writing who adds the London magic into her own mystery tour which leaves the readers as satisfied as a “moth” in a certain Diamond Club.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of this series - I love discovering new books! I'm going to check this one out!
