Wednesday 1 February 2012

SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW: Pure - Julianna Baggott

Release Date: 02/02/12


We know you are here, our brothers and sisters. We will, one day, emerge from the Dome to join you in peace. For now, we watch from afar. Pressia Belze has lived outside of the Dome ever since the detonations. Struggling for survival she dreams of life inside the safety of the Dome with the 'Pure'. Partridge, himself a Pure, knows that life inside the Dome, under the strict control of the leaders' regime, isn't as perfect as others think. Bound by a history that neither can clearly remember, Pressia and Partridge are destined to forge a new world.


To be honest this is a pretty weird story told from a plethora of characters individual points of view to help colour a world gone wrong for a modern reader. Part YA, part adult, it’s a story that will appeal to a great may as Julianna’s characters really stand out and give the reader something to associate with as they get used to this strange alien world.

It’s got some great prose, it’s also has some decent dialogue but for me, the pace alongside the characters are the outstanding features of this title provided you can get used to what appears to be a mishmash writing style. All in definitely a title I was pleased I read but I’m not sure how many others will be able to get to grips with the complexities within.

1 comment:

  1. Another very honest review. Nice work, and thanks for the insight. I love the cover art of that book and that alone would entice me to pick it up. But, I love your reviews and they really help make my decisions easier. :)
