Monday 25 March 2013

URBAN MILITARY FANTASY: Seal Team 666 - Weston Ochse

Release Date: 15/03/13
Publisher:  Titan


Halfway through SEAL training, promising cadet Jack Walker is whisked away to join a special ops mission: SEAL Team 666. Battling demons, possessed humans, mass-murdering cults, and evil in its most dark and ancient form, SEAL Team 666 has their work cut out for them, and it's not long before Walker finds himself at the centre of a supernatural conflict with the entire world at stake.


Recently I seem to be spending quite a lot of time with one military or another, whether its fighting in ancient Greece with the Hoplites or standing shoulder to shoulder with a fantasy army, its always an adventure as you leave each of the lives within the story. Yet sometimes its great to get a story set in the modern era with something unexpected such as in this title where you have a special Seal Unit that fights the Supernatural. The body count is high, the team life expectancy is at times quite short and to be blunt it’s a brutal but necessary life for those involved.

Add to the mix, some solid prose, an author who has a great understanding of the weaponry involved alongside tactics, which all round give you something thoroughly enjoyable. Back this up with a real kickass plot line, some cracking blending of supernatural mythos and all round I was a happy reader, although the only real downside for me were the Homunculi who, for me, made me think that they were all little Tango Men. LOL

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