Wednesday 11 September 2013

URBAN FANTASY DEBUT REVIEW: Saxon's Bane - Geoffrey Gudgion

Release Date: 12/09/13
Publisher:  Solaris


Fergus's world changes forever the day his car crashes near the remote village of Allingley. Traumatised by his near-death experience, he stays to work at the local stables as he recovers from his injuries. He will discover a gentler pace of life, fall in love and be targeted for human sacrifice. Clare Harvey's life will never be the same either. The young archaeologist's dream find the peat-preserved body of a Saxon warrior is giving her nightmares. She can tell that the warrior was ritually murdered, and that the partial skeleton lying nearby is that of a young woman. And their tragic story is unfolding in her head every time she goes to sleep. Fergus discovers that his crash is linked to the excavation, and that the countryside harbours some dark secrets. As Clare's investigation reveals the full horror of a Dark Age war crime, Fergus and Clare seem destined to share the Saxon couple's bloody fate.


An unusual type of offering from Geoffrey Gudgion but one that really does have a bite of its own. The concept within was wonderfully brought together, the characters felt like they were a solid cast and when added to dialogue alongside emotional turmoil really made this a book that I had enjoyed spending time with.

The prose was solid, the characters felt like real people and when added to the overall arc really brought the whole concept to life. Definitely an author to watch and one that I’ll look forward to seeing what he hits back with as his next title.

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