Tuesday 21 April 2015

VIDEO GAME NEWS: Falcata Times Chooses a Side - Warner Brothers Interactive

Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs,
We're huge fans of Mortal Kombat here and whilst we're fighting it out at the moment, the review is going to have to wait for a short time as both Lady Eleanor and I fight the good fight with our Faction.  

OK, so with five to choose from, you're probably wondering which way we went, so we thought we'd have  a bit of fun and reveal our own choices and why.  So who did we go with?

Well today, we're proud to announce that Lady E and I are:

Lin Kuei.
After all, if you're going to get such a cool name as Forest Demons how can you not go with them? In all honesty, we loved the idea from their mini ad, after all how can you not?

Anyway, hope to see you on the battlefield and if you're not with us, you're against us. Prepare to fight. Prepare to die... Mortal Kombat style. LOL

Gareth and Lady Eleanor

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