Wednesday 9 September 2015

HISTORICAL FANTASY REVIEW: The Valhalla Saga 3: Path of Gods - Snorri Kristjansson

Release Date: 02/07/15
Publisher:  Jo Fletcher Books


Reunited, Audun and Ulfar have a new sense of purpose: to ensure that the North remains in the hands of those who hold with the old gods. To do this, they must defeat the people who seek to destroy all they have ever known with the new White Christ. But these are powerful enemies and if they have any chance of victory, they must find equally powerful allies.

In Trondheim, King Olav, self-appointed champion of the White Christ, finds that keeping the peace is a much harder test of his faith than winning the war. With his garrison halved and local chieftains at his table who wish him nothing but ill, the king must decide how and where to spread the word of his god.

And in the North, touched by the trickster god, something old, malevolent and very, very angry stirs . . .


I’ve had a ton of fun with Snorri’s writing over the previous two titles in the series so knowing that it was all set to climax in this volume, I couldn’t wait to see what the author would do and how he’d manage the gods as well as men within. Its well written, the prose is sharp and if you love good action sequences, the author delivers. The principle characters feel rounded, the way that the action interplays into lulls works wonderfully well allowing recovery time and finally when you add dialogue that just fits them down to a T makes this a series that has been immense fun to enjoy.

Truly a saga for Historical Fantasy fans to enjoy and may the shades continue “flyting” in the hall of heroes. Cracking.

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