A half-Inuit albino and heir to a huge Northern Irish manor, Light has never exactly blended in. Since her father's mysterious disappearance in the Arctic, she's felt more alone than ever. Yet as she mourns for the father who was her whole family, Light starts to notice unexpected presences all around...Suddenly the mysterious world in which her father moved invades young Light's life with a bang. The Inuit folklore she vaguely knows comes alive all around her; the inscrutable, violent and sometimes horrific beings of the North seem to believe she has a role to play and, along with her tattoed butler and their new shark-headed friend, Tupilak, Light is drawn into an age-old intrigue between Setna, the ruler of the sea and Frost, king of the cold. Soon Light is aboard an ice-breaker bound for Nunavut, having been promised help in searching for her father, now suspected of being stolen away by the cruel and heartless Frost. Yet she scarcely realises the power of those who have chosen her for their enemy - and a terrifying journey awaits her.
With a quirky character and a blend of Western mythos along with Inuit tales this takes the best of both worlds and thrusts the principle protagonista, Light, into a story that will both thrill and exhilarate the reader.
Light, half Inuit and half Irish, sets out to find her father lost in the Artic as her life takes a turn for the strange using her bravery, her intelligence and above all her tenacity to see things through to the end. It’s a book of many pleasures and a book of great delight however its one that you will either love or hate, like the story, it’s a book of no half measures and one that will stay with the reader long after the final page is turned.
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