The Intersolar Commonwealth is in turmoil as the Living Dream’s deadline for launching its Pilgrimage into the Void draws closer. Not only is the Ocisen Empire fleet fast approaching on a mission of genocide, but also an internecine war has broken out between the post-human factions over the destiny of humanity.
Countering the various and increasingly desperate agents and factions is Paula Myo, a ruthlessly single-minded investigator, beset by foes from her distant past and colleagues of dubious allegiance...but she is fast losing a race against time.
At the heart of all this is Edeard the Waterwalker, who once lived a long time ago deep inside the Void. He is the messiah of Living Dream, and visions of his life are shared by, and inspire billions of humans. It is his glorious, captivating story that is the driving force behind Living Dream’s Pilgrimage, a force that is too strong to be thwarted. As Edeard nears his final victory the true nature of the Void is finally revealed.
The second novel in Peter’s Void series and one that continues to allow the world to build pace and keep the overall story arc manoeuvring at breakneck speed. Add to this his usual touch of humour to alleviate the darker aspects that emerge within and its got something for all the Sci-Fi fans out there. Fast action, cracking characters and above all a storytelling style that has made Peter the name to beat in the field currently. What more can you ask for? However don’t start this novel without having read the first offering as you’ll miss a lot of the build up that this series is aiming for which includes return visits from friends of previous excursions.
Finally if you'd like to see a recent interview with Peter please go to the following two linky's:
Peter F Hamilton Part 1
Peter F Hamilton Part 2
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