This book will help you overcome poor reading habits which hold back your ability to read at high speeds with good comprehension and recall. It includes tools and techniques that come from the author's 14 years of experience teaching professionals and students of all ages. The book includes memory training and information on learning, attitude and achievement. The techniques in the book could save you up to ten hours a week and are a must for students and anyone who has to deal with the sea of emails and reports that are part of our working day. Using unique exercises, you will learn to mentally process multiple words at a glance, thus increasing reading speed, comprehension and accuracy. The results are quick, sustainable and grow over time with minimal effort.
As a reader who has a huge appetite for books, I’m always looking for methods to help me utilise the most of my time and presented within a list of tips that not only helped me up my reading pace but also recall which whilst already very good is something that is always worth improving upon.
For the uninitiated it will hopefully encourage their love of reading as well as helping them make the most of their office reading time to help save them valuable family time. Its also going to be something that will help you make your way though your young readers educative course material as well as novel that they’re asking you if they can have. A great book if you can find ways to utilise the tricks and what can be more important than helping make the most for family members. Hopefully this will do for the reading population what Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas did for memory recall.
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