Having turned down the throne of Faerie, and pregnant at last with twins by the men she loves, ex-princess Meredith Gentry should be living happily-ever-after. But the exiles of Faerie have other ideas - they want Meredith to be their princess, whether she likes it or not. And the new political party in England, the Fey Independence Party, want the lands of Faerie back, and they've asked Meredith to come home to be their faerie Prime Minister. They won't give up without a fight. With the government of the two countries blaming her for political unrest, happy ever after for half-human, half-faerie Meredith is going to have to wait, as she is caught in a struggle that threatens her life and the lives of those she holds dear. But she's a fighter, and she wields a wild magic...
Merry is back Stateside in self imposed exile working as a detective with her harem of guys. Yet life as it is won’t let up and with the intrigue of a new case for her to investigate as lesser demi fae are murdered in a pattern reminiscent of an obscure fairy tale. Hounded by the media Merry has to fight tooth and claw to get to the bottom of everything whilst dealing with her pregnancy. Whilst this seems like ideal material the major problem with this offering is that the whole tale is more sexploitation over plot which whilst constantly getting the character off didn’t do a damn thing for me. Almost as if Laurell had a kernel of an idea and with deadlines really didn’t think it through just bulking it out with unnecessary alongside standard sex scenes almost as if she had them all ready just to insert (if you’ll excuse the pun) to fill up page quota’s.
At the tales conclusion I really felt cheated and ripped off with this offering from Laurell, so much so that I am seriously considering giving up on this series as I’m getting fed up of the transformation from Merry the Woman to Merry the Walking Mattress.
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