THE RATS AND THE RULING SEA begins where THE RED WOLF CONSPIRACY ended; Thasha's wedding is hours away. It is a wedding that will both fulfil the promise of a mad god's return and see her murdered. Pazel has thwarted the sorcerer who would bring back the god but both sides now face deadlock. Can Thasha be saved? Can the war between two Empires be stopped? THE RATS AND THE RULING SEA is, once again, focused on the giant ancient ship, the CHATHRAND, but now she must brave the terrors of the uncharted seas; the massive storms and the ship swallowing whirlpools and explore lands forgotten by the Northern world, all the time involved in a vicious running battle with a ship half her size but nearly her match. Robert Redick's new novel takes the reader further into the labyrinthine plots and betrayals that have underscored the trilogy from the beginning. We learn more about the Ixchel as they fight for survival against the Chathrand's rats, discover more about the true motives of conspirators, live with Thasha and Pazel as they face death and deceit, and as the Chathrand sails into the infamous Ruling Sea. Robert Redick's sequel to the acclaimed THE RED WOLF CONSPIRACY is a masterpiece of plotting and adventure. As each page turns the reader shares with the characters the dawning realisation that nothing is at it seems.
Bursting onto the scene last year with his first novel we get back into the thick of things with this his second novel in the series. Its dark yet also has light moments as Robert's tale wends its way to the reader rolling across the wordscape with peaks and troughs of the imaginary sea of fiction. Beautifully written its definitely improved on the original offering and whilst simplistic in certain terms does what it says on the tin with great talent and love. Whilst you could jump in to the series now with much of the world building done in the original you need the build up to get the full scope of the offering so personally I'd advise you to start on the first novel. A great tale and one that really does leave me wondering what he has planned next for the third tale.
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