Having been driven out of their home by fire, Sadima, Franklin and Somiss escape and seek refuge in the secret cave hidden in the rocks. Somiss, now exiled and desperate, continues to hoard the magic he is recovering from the ancient documents, while Sadima and Franklin struggle to contain his egomaniacal ambitions. In Haph and Gerrard's world, forced to continually endure the painful ordeals used to 'teach' magic, the boys come to an uneasy and fragile truce as they vow to work together to stop the evils of the academy. But their tenuous pact falters as they plot to destroy Somiss and the dark academy and set the magic free...
Magical mystery and double-dealing ensue in this offering from Kathleen Duey and a title that will more than bridge the gap of Young Adult Fantasy Fiction to the adult world. A great offering that is not only well written, but has fully rounded characters that will speak to readers of all ages. Add to the mix top notch prose, a cunning mind and a principle protagonist that you just can’t help route for and it’s a tale that will be polished off in a very short time. Some lessons contained within on how to build your plots that many an adult author could learn from. I’ll look forward to other offerings from this author.

When Cassie was little her grandmother would tell her stories about the Arctic...stories about snow and ice, about a beautiful castle made of ice, and about her mother, who made a deal with the Polar Bear King and was swept away to the ends of the earth to become a prisoner of the trolls. Cassie is older now and has no time for fairytales and talking animals, or lies about her dead mother. Living with her father at the Arctic research centre, she is determined to become a leading scientist and researcher. But when Cassie comes face to face with a mysterious polar bear, one that defies all scientific fact or knowledge, she begins realise that the fairytales could actually be true. Armed with the knowledge that her mother might be alive, Cassie makes a deal with the Polar Bear King, and embarks on a dangerous journey against time to save her. But her agreement with the Polar Bear King comes with consequences she never bargained for, and before her journey's end Cassie will discover the true meaning of love and family, and loss. A compelling romantic fantasy set in the beautiful frozen Arctic.
With most Grimm Style fairy tales having been fully explored, more recent offerings in the genre have brought the tales from other countries such as this offering that delves into the Scandinavian mythos. Here in this offering we get not only well rounded characters but the chance to enjoy a tale, which whilst being reminiscent of a tale we’re already familiar with, that I have no cultural references to or having heard before. That makes good a good story for me. Whilst I did have some problems with this title, it is one that will appeal to the younger reader and with a pretty good principle protagonista its one that will definitely appeal to the young female market but with enough action, adventure and danger to appeal to the lads out there as well.

In the final adventure of Nancy Farmer's acclaimed trilogy a malevolent spirit of a vengeful mermaid is wreaking havoc on Jack's village and it's up to him, the old Bard and Thorgril to confront and vanquish the restless draugr. But the task will not be easy and the three find themselves travelling once more with Thorgil's northman brother and his crew into the most dangerous of waters. Their quest to right old wrongs leads them from a village plagued by a hogboon to the fin folk land of Notland and via every danger in-between. Can they escape the perils they face and return in time to help undead spirit to find peace?
Nordic legend meets fantasy fiction within this, the third offering by Nancy Farmer. As usual her prose is tight, her descriptions pretty crisp but what makes this is her character portrayals backed up with the exuberance of combat that really does keep this series gelled in a mythos that could quite easily have gotten out of hand and lost. Whilst a little more complex plot wise than the previous offerings it’s a title that will appeal to readers however don’t start the adventure here go back to the beginning and get to know the characters along each step of their geas. A cracking ending to the series.
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