Sunday 4 May 2014

FANTASY REVIEW: The Shattered Crown - Richard Ford

Release Date: 13/03/14
Publisher:  Headline


Heroes must rise ...The King is dead. His daughter, untested and alone, now wears the Steel Crown. And a vast horde is steadily carving a bloody road south, hell-bent on razing Steelhaven to the ground ...or the city will fall Before the city faces the terror that approaches, it must crush the danger already lurking within its walls. But will the cost of victory be as devastating as that of defeat?


The second Steelhaven title from Richard and one that continues to expand upon the wonderful world building of its predecessor as the reader is thrown in to hard-boiled fantasy with nothing but their wits to guide them. It has some cracking pace, a dark grim reality about it and when added to the combat sequences that show the deadliness of choices all round gives you something to hang on for.

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