Wednesday 27 January 2016

CRIME THRILLER REVIEW: Jack Parlaban 7: Black Widow - Chris Brookmyre

Release Date: 28/01/16
Publisher:  Little Brown


Diana Jager is clever, strong and successful, a skilled surgeon and fierce campaigner via her blog about sexism. Yet it takes only hours for her life to crumble when her personal details are released on the internet as revenge for her writing.

Then she meets Peter. He's kind, generous, and knows nothing about her past: the second chance she's been waiting for.

Within six months, they are married. Within six more, Peter is dead in a road accident, a nightmare end to their fairytale romance.

But Peter's sister Lucy doesn't believe in fairytales, and tasks maverick reporter Jack Parlabane with discovering the dark truth behind the woman the media is calling Black Widow...


OK, its been a while since I last read a book by Chris Brookmyre (Pandaemonium, 2009) so I was interested to see what he’d not only learned but also how his writing style would adjust to a different genre, after all to radically change from UF to Crime can be quite a shocker. However I shouldn’t have worried.

The writing was punchy, the prose sharp and when added to the authors no nonsense attitude to getting to the heart of the matter really works well for this type of title. I loved the way he brought the characters to life, making me genuinely care about their fates which when blended with a plotline that keeps you glued as information is gleamed all round makes this a book that will give you a hard time putting it down as your respect for tomorrow fades. Cracking.

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