A place to find out author interviews along with book reviews of thier works in the following genres:
science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, crime, horror, history, arts and crafts, hobby, true life, real life, autobiography, zombie, paranormal, demons, vampires, religion and spirituality, thriller, mystery, psychological thriller, spy tory, techno thriller, humour.
Hail Mighty Readers, Here are this months book reincarnations (covers may not match the new incarnation), please click on the cover to go to that titles review:
Release Date: 13/03/14 Publisher: John Murray SYNOPSIS:
The forces of King Charles are victorious; their Parliamentarian enemies in deep crisis. In the west, the crucial port city of Bristol has fallen, and Royalist eyes fall quickly upon neighbouring Gloucester. Its walls are weak, its garrison under strength, and its governor - Sir Edward Massie - suspected of harbouring sympathy for the King. Stryker and his men are with the army as it converges on Gloucester, still reeling from the loss of a close friend at the bloody Battle of Stratton. Ordered to infiltrate the rebel city on a mission to discover whether Massie will indeed surrender, Stryker reluctantly embarks upon his most desperate mission yet. But Gloucester's defenders are more resolute than any had imagined, and catastrophe soon befalls him. With his life seemingly forfeit, Stryker is spared by an unlikely saviour; Vincent Skaithlocke, his former commander. The mercenary has returned to England to fight for Parliament, and offers Stryker his protection. As old friends adjust to life fighting for opposing sides, Stryker begins to question his own loyalties ...but a chance discovery makes him realise that all in Gloucester is not what it seems, for a hidden menace threatens his own life, and that of King Charles himself.
The fourth outing for Captain Styker and one that really will test not only the mettle but the heroes limits as the author weaves a staggeringly addictive story. The prose is sharp, the pace wonderfully diverse and when the reader gets to the heart of the matter they’re in for a treat as our heroes latest mission will pull him in many directions.
Back this up with some masterful storytelling, cracking supporting cast members with a firm grasp of weaving historical records into the tale to give it depth all round generates a series that HF fans just have to read.
Release Date: 13/03/14 Publisher: Head of Zeus SYNOPSIS:
Everything about the man is a mystery: the secluded ranch in the Black Hills, the women who live with him, the secret philanthropies, the private airstrip, the sudden disappearances. And the persistent rumors that his wealth comes from killing people. Game warden Joe Pickett owes Wyoming's Governor a favour, so he can't refuse the clandestine order to head north and find out what Medicine Wheel County's reclusive multi-millionaire is up to. Joe's not the first investigator to arrive in Medicine Wheel, but after his predecessor burned to death in a hotel fire, will he be the first to leave alive? As winter's first storm closes in, Joe will that there's more than one stone-cold killer stalking the Black Hills.
Life is not only hectic but complex for series hero Joe Pickett as events from past exploits catch up with him pulling him in all directions. Not only does this latest adventure throw him back into unsavoury company of Governor Rulon but the return of Nate Romanowski.
Its fast paced with top notch action and when thrust into a community that likes to keep its own secrets really does give the reader the chance to explore the tale from the principle players point of view as investigations pry away at the darker side. Its cracking prose and of course when added to a stunning background from previous exploits will more than please readers looking for solid crime fiction.
Release Date: 27/03/14 Publisher: Hodder SYNOPSIS:
Theodore Boone, young lawyer, has had a lot to deal with in his thirteen years, everything from kidnapping to murder. But he's come through it all and, with the law on his side, justice has always prevailed. Sometimes, though, the law doesn't seem so just. His friend Hardie Quinn is about to have his family home bulldozed to make way for a bypass. Hardie is not the only one affected: other homes, businesses and schools lie in the path of the road. Theo has to tell his friend the bad news: for once, the law isn't on his side, and there's very little anyone can do to end the destruction. Theo joins the campaign to stop the road. But when he stumbles on a terrible secret about the corrupt men behind the plan - a secret it is illegal for him to know - Theo must figure out how to keep the developers from breaking the law...without breaking it himself.
Another Young Adult story from an established adult author that goes to prove that their skills are just as captivating for a younger audience as they are for older fans. The tale does what Grisham does best bringing cracking characters to the fore as the investigation wends its way with wonderful touches that young readers will more than identify with.
Back this up with wonderful prose and a high octane pace all round gives you something special to savour. Definitely a cracking book and my favourite JG title to date.
Hail Might Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs, Our friends at Warner Brothers, DC and Rock Steady Games have released some new screenshots for the forthcoming game Batman Arkham Knight. Also included is a shot of the new super villain Arkham Knight. So, for your viewing pleasure these brand new shots. We really can't wait to embark, and yes, the cardboard batterangs have reappeared...
Please remember that if you preorder you'll also get to play Harley Quinn. as well as the fact that this title is next gen and will only be released on the following formats: PC's PS4 Xbox One
Release Date: 27/03/14 Publisher: MacLehose SYNOPSIS:
Summer 2011. Berlin. Adolf Hitler wakes up on a patch of ground, alive and well. Things have changed - no Eva Braun, no Nazi party, no war. Hitler barely recognises his beloved Fatherland, filled with immigrants and run by a woman. People certainly recognise him, though - as a brilliant, satirical impersonator who refuses to break character. The unthinkable, the inevitable, happens, and the ranting Hitler takes off, goes viral, becomes a YouTube star, gets his own TV show, becomes someone who people listen to. All while he's still trying to convince people that yes, it really is him, and yes, he really means it. Look Who's Back is a black and brilliant satire of modern media-bloated society, seen through the eyes of the Fuhrer himself. Adolf is by turns repellent, sympathetic and hilarious, but always fascinating. Look Who's Back is outrageously clever, outrageously funny - and outrageously plausible.
I originally heard about this book from a publisher and whilst I was a little wary in regard to the subject matter, I thought that it would be more than interesting to see what could occur in an alternate history timeline especially with the modern advances in technology.
What this book is, and the reader has to remember, is that it’s a satire, which whilst it may not always come across as such with the translation, is something that can and will at times scare the reader as they can see how things that we take as every day now can be turned to further a cause as well as a get a message across.
The Hitler within the pages is a person that the reader will find fascinating, the way he has to adapt to our world, the way he see’s modern problems and the way in which a mind can twist words to play not only to the reader but also to the other cast members within. All round, it’s a book that is quite easy to read multiple pages of, has what feels like a firm hand on the modern world and all round gives the reader something to not only think about but to question which overall is perhaps the main point of a satire.
Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs, Our Allies at Bethesda have managed to let us know that Wolfenstein: New Order, will be launching simultaneously in North America, Europe and Australia on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC! Hopefully you're as excited as we are, so here's hoping you'll join us on a co-ordinated strike on the day of release.
Currently under development at MachineGames, Wolfenstein: The New Order, the first-person action-adventure shooter, reignites the franchisewidely recognized for pioneering the first-person shooter genre. Set in the 1960s, the monstrous Nazi regime has used mysterious advanced technology to win World War II. They now rule the globe with an iron fist. Wolfenstein: The New Order sends you across Europe on a harrowing mission to bring down the Nazi war machine.
Finally remember that as an added bonus, everyone pre-ordering the game will be invited to access the DOOM beta with their copy ofWolfenstein: The New Order. For more information on the DOOM beta access pre-order bonus, as well as applicable terms and restrictions,please visit:: www.wolfenstein.com/DOOM."
Release Date: 27/03/14 Publisher: Headline SYNOPSIS:
On her 26th birthday, Dana and her husband are moving into their apartment when she starts to feel dizzy. She falls to her knees, nauseous. Then the world falls away. She finds herself at the edge of a green wood by a vast river. A child is screaming. Wading into the water, she pulls him to safety, only to find herself face to face with a very old looking rifle, in the hands of the boy's father. She's terrified. The next thing she knows she's back in her apartment, soaking wet. It's the most terrifying experience of her life ...until it happens again. The longer Dana spends in 19th century Maryland - a very dangerous place for a black woman - the more aware she is that her life might be over before it's even begun.
As a huge fan of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon I’m always on the look out for something that has a similar flavour but also takes its own path as worlds not only collide but gives the reader a heart rending tale where you’re never quite sure what’s going to happen.
Here within this book Octavia really gives the reader a story that not only fulfils an emotional aspect but one that really takes you on a journey as the dark past comes to not only life but generates something special. The prose is reasonable, the pace solid enough, but for me, it’s the vivid characters that Octavia creates within that really kept me glued. I loved the way that the characters emotions made them believable and how they developed alongside the story. All round a tale that I enjoyed as it was something a little different for me. Thank you for a wonderful read Octavia.
Release Date: 13/03/14 Publisher: Solaris SYNOPSIS:
The Great Spa sits on the edge of London, a structure visible from space. The power of Britain on the world stage rests in its monopoly on "The Treatment," a medical procedure which transforms the richest and most powerful into a state of permanent physical youth. The Great Spa is the place where the newly young immortals go to revitalise their aged souls. In this most secure of facilities, a murder of one of the guests threatens to destabilise the new order, and DCI Oates of the Metropolitan police is called in to investigate. In a single day, Oates must unravel the secrets behind the Treatment and the long-ago disappearance of its creator, passing through a London riven with disorder and corruption. As a night of widespread rioting takes hold of the city, he moves towards a climax which could lead to the destruction of the Great Spa, his own ruin, and the loss of everything he holds most dear.
Whilst a lot of readers can be put off a crime novel when Science Fiction is involved, you really have to give it a go as its not that far fetched giving readers the chance to see a believable world of tomorrow where the rich stay richer and the poor are downtrodden as the march of progress is slowed./halted for the rich whilst the poor are treated worse than dirt.
Its captivating, it has an almost Victorian feel and when added to a principle character who is thrust into a world he is more than uncomfortable in really keeps the reader on their toes. Back this up with great prose, some cracking author sleight of hand and a mystery that really keeps you glued as events unfurl all round opens the reader to a cracking new world for future exploits.
Release Date: 03/01/14 Publisher: Titan SYNOPSIS:
Hundreds of years in the future, Cat, one of the last surviving Carlettos, is on the run. And, like countless others before her, she finds her sanctuary among the most dangerous of society's misfits. Welcome to the Legion. Cat Carletto becomes a Legion recruit Andromeda McKee. A woman with a mission - to bring down Empress Ophelia - or die trying.
If you want cracking action, a huge cast and of course some real kick ass characters to spend time with to get away from the real world, then you really have to give this title by William C Dietz a go. The principle character, whilst it took a while to get to, felt realistic to me, I loved the way she was rounded and how the author managed to make her vulnerable as well as thrusts her into the unknown within this epic storyline.
Add to this good solid pace that gives the readers cracking hard core action and then lulls to recover and absorb what has gone before. Its well written, has some wonderful turns of phrase and when adding into the piece some cracking dialogue all round gives you that real hit of something wonderful.
Release Date: 17/01/14 Publisher: Titan SYNOPSIS:
The Gale family can change the world with the charms they cast. Alysha Gale is tired of having all her aunts try to run her life. So when her Gran leaves her a "junk" shop in Calgary, Alysha jumps at the chance. It isn't until she gets there that she realizes her customers are fey. And no one told her there's trouble brewing in Calgary - trouble so big that even calling in the family may not save the day...
To be honest I’m a huge fan of Tanya’s writing and whilst I’ve loved a lot of what has gone before I found this book not only uncomfortable but one that confused me on so many levels as it didn’t really make a lot of sense, almost as if Tanya was drinking from the same liquid source as a certain UF author with a penchant for the erotica.
The characters whilst interesting, didn’t really flesh out as much as I normally like with Tanya, the storyline felt convoluted and when added to magic that really didn’t seem to have any rules alongside with a family so messed up that Jerry Springer wouldn’t take them all round left me feeling disappointed with what I normally assume to be an author on my safe list.
All round I felt let down, hugely upset at not getting what I went for in and all round wondering if this is the shape of things to come for Tanya’s future titles. If so I’ll be bailing.
Release Date: 28/01/14 Publisher: Hodder SYNOPSIS:
Darrow is a Helldiver, one of a thousand men and women who live in the vast caves beneath the surface of Mars, generations of people who spend their lives toiling to mine the precious elements that will allow the planet to be terraformed. Just knowing that, one day, people will be able to walk the surface of the planet is enough to justify their sacrifice. The Earth is dying, and Darrow and his people are the only hope humanity has left. Until the day Darrow learns that it is all a lie. That Mars has been habitable - and inhabited - for generations, by a class of people calling themselves the Golds. A class of people who look down at Darrow and his fellows as slave labour, to be exploited and worked to death without a second thought. Until the day Darrow, with the help of a mysterious group of rebels, disguises himself as a Gold and infiltrates their command school, intent on taking down his oppressors from the inside. But the command school is a battlefield - and Darrow isn't the only student with an agenda. Ender's Game meets The Hunger Games in this, the first in an extraordinary trilogy from an incredible new voice.
OK, you want something that is not only different but really hits the spot. You also want something new that you’ve never seen before and all wrapped up with a debut author so that you’re not sure what to expect. Sound a little bit too far-fetched to achieve? Well normally I’d say yes, but for me Hodder have pulled a blinder by obtaining what I think could and will be a title to set your standards by with this debut that just blew me away.
What you get within is a hugely complex tale with characters that are not only realistic but make choices that have huge repercussions for all involved be it for good or ill. Add to this a world that feels wonderfully real and one that the reader can step into and lose not only hours within but will also be left emotionally drained upon completion. All in, and whilst this may seem like a wild claim for many but all round, I feel will do for Science Fiction what George RR Martin’s Song of Fire and Ice series has done for Fantasy. You really have to read this book this year.
Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs, Our friends at Ubisoft have managed to sneak this alpha footage from the forthcoming Assassin's Creed: Unity title. Here's what they've had to say: "We have been working on the new Assassin’s Creed for more than three years and although we weren’t quite ready to show you our full vision for a next-gen only AC, it seems Abstergo are trying to force our hand! So here’s a true first look at in-game footage from Assassin’s Creed Unity. Stay tuned – we’ll have many more exciting details for you in the months ahead!"
Currently there's not much known but from the footage we know that its set during the French Revolution.
All in, it looks like its going to be a pretty sweet next gen title and if this is Alpha, we can't wait to see what the final version looks like.
Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs, Our friends at Square Enix have let us know about the latest trailer to do with the forthcoming Murdered: Soul Suspect, which has been on our radar since the first trailer earlier in the year. Here they tell us about the limited edition of the game: "As Ronan digs deeper into the investigation of his own murder, both he
and Joy realize Salem has been hiding a secret far darker than they ever
anticipated. Watch the trailer to find out what lies buried in Salem
and see the newly announced Limited Edition version of Murdered: Soul
The Limited Edition will include a copy of the journal
used by Ronan and Joy to hunt down the killer and features written and
visual clues about the murders terrorising Salem. It will also include
free access to an Interactive Digital Strategy Map. With the aid of the
map, you will be able to seek out hundreds of collectibles, detect side
quests and find all of Salem’s haunting landmarks. The map will be
accessible via computer or tablet.
The Limited Edition will be available while stocks last. At participating retailers only. Please check with local retail."
Murdered: Soul Suspect will be released on the following formats on 6th June 2014: PC Xbox One Xbox 360 PS4 PS3
Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs, Our friends at Bethesda have managed to smuggle new footage from Wolfenstein: New Order, out past the Nazi's and into our hands. Here's what they've had to say: "We’ve released two new videos for Wolfenstein: The New Order. In the latest installment of the Bethesda Underground video series, ‘Know Your Devs’, MachineGames’ narrative designer Tommy Tordsson Björk discusses his proudest moments while working on Wolfenstein: The New Order, including writing the Chapter 3 train sequence – one of the many standout moments in the game. We’ve also released a video of the train scene he created – entitled On a Train to Berlin. Check out B.J. Blazkowicz as he first encounters one of Wolfenstein’s most-sinister villains, Frau Engel, on a train from Poland en route to Eisenwald Prison.
Currently under development at MachineGames, Wolfenstein: The New Order, the first-person action-adventure shooter, reignites the franchisewidely recognized for pioneering the first-person shooter genre. Set in the 1960s, the monstrous Nazi regime has used mysterious advanced technology to win World War II. They now rule the globe with an iron fist. Wolfenstein: The New Order sends you across Europe on a harrowing mission to bring down the Nazi war machine.
Wolfenstein is slated for release in Australia on May 22nd and throughout Europe on May 23rd on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. As an added bonus, everyone pre-ordering the game will be invited to access the DOOM beta with their copy ofWolfenstein: The New Order. For more information on the DOOM beta access pre-order bonus, as well as applicable terms and restrictions,please visit:: www.wolfenstein.com/DOOM."
Release Date: 13/02/14 Publisher: Arrow Books SYNOPSIS:
How far do you go for a friendship? That's the question Daniel Wade is forced to ask when a simple favour has fatal consequences. For the sake of his old schoolmate, Robbie - and more importantly for Robbie's sister, Cate - Dan agrees to go along with a lie. But soon he's sucked into a conspiracy that threatens to consume them all. How hard do you fight for a fortune? For Gordon and Patricia Blake, the dead man held the key to a glorious future. Now that future has been ripped from their grasp, and the Blakes want to know why. Then they want revenge. How can you hope to survive? With a ruthless predator on their trail, Dan realises that evading justice is the least of their worries. All that matters now is staying alive.
To be honest, whilst I’ve read Tom’s writing before, this one felt more than a little flat to me as the story went from interesting concept and question posed to the ridiculous as things went south pretty quickly. The characters felt little more than 2D with the writing not really taking them anywhere within other than a forced line and for me it was something that told its own tale throughout the book.
Add to this no real depth of excitement for me, sadly plain and overly complex idea’s that could have been explored deeper to help give a more rounded tone and all round left me feeling pretty flat. A great shame as I’d had high hopes for this.
Release Date: 13/02/14 Publisher: Headline SYNOPSIS:
I'm stranded on Mars. I have no way to communicate with Earth. I'm in a Habitat designed to last 31 days. If the Oxygenator breaks down, I'll suffocate. If the Water Reclaimer breaks down, I'll die of thirst. If the Hab breaches, I'll just kind of explode. If none of those things happen, I'll eventually run out of food and starve to death. So yeah. I'm screwed.
If like me, you have a yearning to return to the old days of fantasy for that lustre of ancient gold as well as an epic story of heroics then you have to pick up this debut novel by Jen Williams that will scratch that itch. Within is a tale that has great characters, some wonderful turns of phrase and more than fulfils the desires of the reader within the pages for a return to the old days of Forgotten Realms that still not only hold a place in my heart but on my bookshelves.
Throw into the mix characters that have their own motives, some wonderful dialogue and of course a whole set of problems that will leave them questioning their abilities and all round I was a more than happy reader. Great stuff.
Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs, Our friends at Deep Silver have sent the latest trailer for Sacred 3 featuring gameplay.
As a huge fan of old school games like Gauntlet, the chance to play something to take me back then, alongside newer graphics, is often too good to miss.
Here's what the press release says: "Sacred 3 Features classic arcade
Hack ‘n’ Slash action centered around drop in, drop out cooperative multiplayer
for both offline (2 players) and online (4 players) play. The game features
diverse characters such as the Seraphim, Ancarian, Khukuri and the Safiri,
as well as introduces a new character, Malakhim. Each character class features
its own unique skills and weapons which can be upgraded to match the player’s
very own combat style. As they master the art of war, players will fight
their way through enemy hordes and try to outshine their fellow companions
on their way to become the greatest hero of all. The inclusion of mission
stats and online leaderboards will continue to drive competition both locally
and online. Victory Is Ours. Glory is Mine."
Hopefully you'll like the look of this and with the multiplayer, we'll see you on the battlefield,
Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs, Our Hollywood friends have let us know about big action star Danny Trejo and his passions. Yes he likes Machete's, knives and of course big bad ass guns, however, he also has a softer side.
Yes believe it or not, international action star, acting titan and Latin icon Danny Trejo revealed a secret new hobby in a really funny new online video, Breadanimals. View his clip:
Danny's latest film, Bullet is out now, available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Release Date: 13/02/14 Publisher: Del Rey SYNOPSIS:
I'm stranded on Mars. I have no way to communicate with Earth. I'm in a Habitat designed to last 31 days. If the Oxygenator breaks down, I'll suffocate. If the Water Reclaimer breaks down, I'll die of thirst. If the Hab breaches, I'll just kind of explode. If none of those things happen, I'll eventually run out of food and starve to death. So yeah. I'm screwed.
OK, this book is something that you’ll either love or hate. If you like Science then this is a book that you’ll really get behind, if not, well it’s a book that will leave you feeling rather flat. It is definitely hard sci-fi, and whilst many readers will be left in disbelief at what occurs within, just think of it as Robinson Crusoe on Mars with the lead character Mark Watney bringing the whole thing together as he fights to not only survive against the elements but mentally.
All round it’s an OK book and for me it’s one that I did have some trouble finishing as the science got a little bit too much for me. That said it is impressive and whilst it’s a debut I think we’ll be hearing from Andy again.
Release Date: 04/03/14 Publisher: Orbit SYNOPSIS:
COULD YOU FIND A MUSEUM FOR A MONSTER? OR A JAZZ BAR FOR A JABBERWOCK? Zoe writes travel guides for the undead. And she's good at it too - her new-found ability to talk to cities seems to help. After the success of The Shambling Guide to New York City, Zoe and her team are sent to New Orleans to write the sequel. Her career isn't all that brings her to New Orleans. The only person who can save Zoe's boyfriend from zombism is rumoured to live in the city's swamps, but she's out of her element in the wilderness. With her supernatural colleagues waiting to see her fail, and rumours of a new threat hunting citytalkers, can Zoe stay alive long enough to finish her next book?
Mur is an author that I came across with her original Shamblers Guide novel and one that not only appealed to me with the character but brought together a mismatched myriad crew that circumstances, alongside modern living, has created not only a wonderful mixing pot but one that demonstrates in an almost comical way how alternate states of being need help in finding their way in a modern world.
The Guide Books are wonderfully fresh and when added to various cities alongside misadventures for all within, generate a tale that not only entertains but one that will have the reader clamouring for more.
Having lost some old friends in the previous outing, this title more than makes up for their loss with a whole host of additional cast members that the reader will come to love and whilst some are highly misunderstood, they all have their place on the team. Back this up with an author who’s cracking sense of humour works its delightful charms throughout the title alongside a principle character that you’ll just love and all round it’s a book that I couldn’t put down until I’d turned the final page. Magic.
Release Date: 20/02/14 Publisher: Del Rey SYNOPSIS:
A shipwreck. And one lone survivor. For political exile Taeo Ybanez, this could be his ticket home. Relations between the Antarcticans and the Patagonians are worse than ever, and to be caught on the wrong side could prove deadly. For pilot and cartographer Ramona Callejas, the presence of the mysterious stranger is one more thing in the way of her saving her mother from a deadly disease. All roads lead to Cataveiro, the city of fate and fortune, where their destinies will become intertwined and their futures cemented for ever...
Del-Rey UK is definitely a publisher that likes to bring different things to the reader’s attention and this series by EJ Swift is something that will more than hit the spot if you’re a fan of Dystopian Science Fiction. The characters within as fully rounded, have some wonderful little quirks and when added to the arc really generate a caring response within the reader.
Back this up with great prose, solid pace work and of course some magical twists which when backed with the authors own identifiable writing style all round makes this a book that hit the spot for me as a reader. Top notch.
Release Date: 28/02/14 Publisher: Square Enix SYNOPSIS:
Garrett, the Master Thief, steps out of the shadows into the City. In this treacherous place, where the Baron's Watch spreads a rising tide of fear and oppression, his skills are the only things he can trust. Even the most cautious citizens and their best- guarded possessions are not safe from his reach.
As an uprising emerges, Garrett finds himself entangled in growing layers of conflict. Lead by Orion, the voice of the people, the tyrannized citizens will do everything they can to claim back the City from the Baron's grasp. The revolution is inevitable. If Garrett doesn't get involved, the streets will run red with blood and the City will tear itself apart.
OK, yes I know that this review is running a little late, I know that the games been out for a couple of weeks and whilst I could have technically reviewed it a little earlier, I refused as not only was I lost to the dark back streets of The City where a terrible plague is holding the inhabitants at its mercy, but the sheer diversity of playing styles that are designed to please players who tackle this with their favoured play style.
This game has a lot of offer players and whilst there will be a lot of people who will just dive in, massacring their way through the City, for me, it’s a game about ghosting and when forced none lethal takedowns. I love the idea about not killing anyone and whilst this increased the difficulty factor, for me allowed the game to not only develop naturally but played to my strengths as a stealth player. I love the way that you have various arrows for different purposes and whilst they are limited they do force the player to consider multiple options before embarking upon a course of action.
That’s not to say that it is easy, far from it, but once you get the hang of where to hide, how to manipulate the City’s nooks and crannies to your own advantage it’s a game that really takes you to another level.
There are however, in my opinion, quite a few flaws within the title. My first and main bugbear was the combat system as every player will embark upon it at least once within the game. It’s pretty slow for the gamer, can be frustrating and I feel that it could have been tightened up for a more natural flow. Yes I understand that the guards are better trained with weaponry than you are, however when each strike from the blackjack feels like it takes an age to connect as well as leaving you wondering how he could be so good in so many area’s but ridiculously outclassed in others, really left a sour taste in my mouth. Likewise, I was more than a little upset that when you were above potential enemies, you couldn’t do a multiple takedowns. It just seemed a little ridiculous that he never had to do that in the past. For me, it’s something that should have been considered and figured out rather than what I feel largely ignored.
Finally add to the mix the limitations of the arrow numbers (and yes, you are heavily limited with them) each choice has to be carefully considered before embarking upon and whilst you do have some blunt arrows, I would have liked to have been able to knock enemies out with them rather than them having little to no effect.
All that considered though, it is a game that will have you on the edge of your seat as you discover what has occurred within the year that Garret has lost. It’s dark, it’s a major discovery and all round, it will leave you clamouring for more. I can’t wait to see what improvements they’ll make in the future and with the opportunity to play through a good few times, will give you something different each time you play.
Release Date: 25/02/14 Publisher: Titan SYNOPSIS:
The THIEF franchise is widely regarded as one of the founding fathers that defined the stealth genre and since the first release of Thief: The Dark Project in 1998 has influenced a wealth of titles. After years of silence, Garrett is coming out of the shadows. Developed by Eidos-Montréal , the studio behind the critically and commercially acclaimed Deus Ex: Human Revolution, THIEF will be released on February the 25th in North America and on February the 28th in Europe and rest of the world.
Titan Books’ The Art of Thief will give fans and in-depth look at Square Enix’s enormously anticipated new game, featuring exclusive concept and development art, as well as detailed creator insights and commentary throughout. This book will showcase Garrett’s underworld in beautiful detail and truly show the art of the Master Thief.
In the gaming industry perhaps there is no greater truth than “a picture is worth a thousand words.” It helps bring a flavour to the concept, it helps everyone get on the same page and it sparks not only an identity but also generates discussion on the various elements. This is one of the reasons that I love the Art of books from Titan.
The pieces within are not only breath-taking but allows the reader to see the development through from original concept to final process in glorious glossy images that really help bring not only the principle protagonist to life but also helps the reader get to grips with the world.
Within this title are studies of various elements from the principle character through to the practicality of his tools/weapons taking design changes throughout that helps bring it to life. Add to the mix a whole host of supporting cast members, each with their own individual look, multiple points of view alongside options of world points of view all round gives you something pretty unique.
Back this up with script that helps explaint he world in greater detail and all round I was a more than happy reader. Great stuff.
Release Date: 04/02/14 Publisher: Titan SYNOPSIS:
The action adventure "300: Rise of an Empire" is the highly anticipated follow-up to the 2007 international blockbuster 300. Based on Frank Miller's latest graphic novel "Xerxes," "300: Rise of an Empire" is produced by Gianni Nunnari, Mark Canton, Zack Snyder, Deborah Snyder and Bernie Goldmann, and directed by Noam Murro from a screenplay by Zack Snyder & Kurt Johnstad. Told in the breathtaking visual style of "300" this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh battlefield--on the sea--as Greek general Themistokles (Sullivan Stapleton) attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war. 300: Rise of an Empire pits Themistokles against the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), and Artemisia (Eva Green), vengeful commander of the Persian navy. "300: Rise of an Empire" also stars Lena Headey, Hans Matheson, and David Wenham.
A film tie in novel that not only gives the reader the chance to get to know the cast but be enveloped with the whole scenario of an epic point in Western history. It’s beautifully put together, has some top notch explanations as well as allowing the reader to delve into how some of the effects were achieved. Back this all up with a friendly writing style that invites you to see the process and all round I was a more than happy reader. Great stuff.
Release Date: 16/01/14 Publisher: Del Rey SYNOPSIS:
Nyx is a bel dame, a bounty hunter paid to collect the heads of deserters - by almost any means necessary. 'Almost' proved to be the problem. Cast out and imprisoned for breaking one rule too many, Nyx and her crew of mercenaries are all about the money. But when a dubious government deal with an alien emissary goes awry, her name is at the top of the list for a covert recovery. While the centuries-long war rages on only one thing is certain: the world's best chance for peace rests in the hands of its most ruthless killers...
Del Rey is a publisher that’s never been afraid to bring something not only a little different but something outside of a lot of readers comfort zones to the fore and whilst the UK arm is fairly new on the block, its one that has suck to the ideal’s of its American Counterpart in bringing this title to the readers attention.
Part Science Fiction, part fantasy and all wrapped up with a fascinating principle character, the book takes the reader on one hell of a adrenaline fuelled high octane adventure that captures your imagination within its pages. The prose is sharp, the dialogue something that works very well with the almost alien aspect of the title which when blended with an authorly writing style that the reader will find appealing all round makes this a book that deserves success. A great read.
With his first full length novel out today (previously we reviewed Den Patrick's Elves and Orc's War Fighting Manual, we thought it was time for readers to get to know the author. So without further ado, here is Den with how he constructed the epic world for "The Boy with the Porcelain Sword." ________________________
Creating new worlds for Fantasy novels can be a double edged sword, pun intended. At one extreme you need to have a clear idea of what the world contains and how those different elements interact with each other. The other end of the spectrum means you can leave things so vague the reader never really feels immersed in the setting. What’s the use of Fantasy if you can’t indulge in the ‘Wow!’ factor every so often? Once created the temptation is write large sections of text telling the reader just how amazing it all is, demonstrating how much work you’ve done. No one loves an info dumper, unless you’re reading a source book for a Dungeons and Dragons setting, or War-Fighting Manual. Far better to explain the world as the protagonist experiences it, skewing it with their opinions and bias. The world building for The Erebus Sequence was very light initially. The vast castle of Demesne is arranged like maltese cross, each spoke home to one of the major families, Fontein, Contadino and Prospero. The exception to the rule is House Erudito who are a gathering of scholars, rather than a hereditary family. At the center of this cross is the vast circular keep where the king resides in seclusion. Each House and keep of Demesne is seven lofty stories of gothic architecture, with courtyards thrown into the mix. Labyrinthine corridors connect the many apartments, kitchens, pantries, great halls, practice chambers and classrooms. Some corridors lead only to cobwebby dead ends and few if any are sufficiently lit else Demesne bankrupt itself buying candles. The great Houses also shelter minor Houses under their roof, forming alliances with other estates, scattered across the island of Landfall. I wouldn’t ‘discover’ these estates until I’d written book 2. There wasn’t any need for this information, and so it remained uninvented. I’d written a good deal of book two before the final edits of The Boy with the Porcelain Blade were turned in, so I was able to go back and seed this new worldbuilding into descriptions and conversations. I ret-conned my own world in a minor way, but only the handful of test readers, my agent, and my editor could tell the difference. Possibly the greatest part of worldbuilding is not the world itself, but the traditions of Landfall. The Orfano are misshapen foundlings, discovered on the steps of the great Houses every few years. So why aren’t they killed or left to the elements? No one wants an extra mouth to feed, and physical difference has ever been barrier to acceptance. On Landfall, and specifically in Demesne, the king has passed an edict declaring that Orfano must be cared for by a great House until their sixteenth birthday where they may apply to be adopted by another House. This is an important distinction as the Houses are divided by function. Contadino, the famers. Fontein, the soldiers. Prospero, the merchants and artisans. Erudito, the seat of learning. But why has the king set the edict at all? It’s good to set up mysteries, questions that will receive answers over the course of the novel.
I’ve always loved creating and interacting with fictional worlds. From Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay to the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, from Greyhawk to Forgotten Realms, and the city of Corvis in the Iron Kingdoms will always have a place in my heart. It’s by studying these fictional worlds (and not discounting our own) that we can become inspired to try and play God ourselves. And there are the worlds in books. The Erebus Sequence owes a debt to Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast, but also to the culture and mood of Florence and Sienna (I visited these long before the first coders started on Assassin’s Creed). The Houses of Landfall were inspired in part by the feuding Atreides and Harkonnens of Dune, but quickly took on their own personalities and histories. Landfall wasn’t created in seven days, or even seven months. I hope I’ll continue unearthing new facts about this fictional world, I hope I leave in plenty of mystery too. I hope you’ll join me in discovering it.
Release Date: 20/03/14 Publisher: Gollancz SYNOPSIS:
An ornate yet dark fantasy, with echoes of Mervyn Peake, Robin Hobb and Jon Courtenay Grimwood. An original and beautifully imagined world, populated by unforgettable characters. Lucien de Fontein has grown up different. One of the mysterious and misshapen Orfano who appear around the Kingdom of Landfall, he is a talented fighter yet constantly lonely, tormented by his deformity, and well aware that he is a mere pawn in a political game. Ruled by an insane King and the venomous Majordomo, it is a world where corruption and decay are deeply rooted - but to a degree Lucien never dreams possible when he first discovers the plight of the 'insane' women kept in the haunting Sanatoria. Told in a continuous narrative interspersed with flashbacks we see Lucien grow up under the care of his tutors. We watch him forced through rigorous Testings, and fall in love, set against his yearning to discover where he comes from, and how his fate is tied to that of every one of the deformed Orfano in the Kingdom, and of the eerie Sanatoria itself.
With this being Den’s first full length novel (his other three releases being the Art of War Manuals for Dwarves, Elves and Orcs) I was really interested to see what he’d bring to the fore and whilst this had aspects of Jon Courtenay Grimwoods Assassini trilogy I found that it stood out upon its own two feet as we’re thrust into a strange new fantasy world that seeks to bring the readers a touch of believable history that will transport you with ease into Den’s world.
The book features a very interesting protagonist who has his illusions thrust to one side as he seeks to find his place with cracking action sequences, some wonderful turns of phrase and all round allows the reader to explore the world at their leisure. Back this up with a solid supporting cast and a few twists as the authors sleight of hand plays away in the background all round generates a tale that left me hanging for more. Great stuff
Hail Mighty Readers, Long time friend of the blog, and award winning scriptwriter, Ian O'Neill has sent us a film to let us know how his fund raising is going. Ian, is a Canadian Film Maker who has gone on to show not only how hard it is to get funding but also to strive for your dreams. Here's his Plea: ) If you wish to help fund his dream please visit here and donate. Thank you, Gareth and Lady Eleanor
Release Date: 13/02/14 Publisher: Hodder SYNOPSIS:
The seventh novel in Anthony Riches' acclaimed Empire sequence brings Marcus Aquila back to Rome, hunting the men who destroyed his family. But the revenge he craves may cost him and those around him dearly. The young centurion's urge to exact his own brutal justice upon the shadowy cabal of assassins who butchered his family means that he must face them on their own ground, risking his own death at their hands. A senator, a gang boss, a praetorian officer and, deadliest of all, champion gladiator Mortiferum - the Death Bringer - lie in wait. The knives are unsheathed, and ready for blood ...
The latest outing for Centurion Marius “Two Knives” Corvus who in his quest for vengeance has travelled to Rome. As with Anthony’s other books the tale is full of high octane action, has some magnificent twists and when added to a comraderie that gives the reader a bond with not only the principle player but the unit around him all round generates a book that is not only hard to put down but nigh impossible.
Back this up with some great dialogue, some cracking turns of phrase and of course an authorly style that really works well always moves Anthony to the top of my reading pile. Finally I’d like to add that if you’re a fantasy reader and love David Gemmell’s work, then try Anthony Riches Historical Fiction, it not only has notes of David throughout but also in the latest title has something that you’ll more than appreciate. Great stuff.