Clashing together outrageous musical influences and extravagantly visual imagery, Queen's place in history as the greatest glam band of all is rock solid. Georg Purvis' meticulous, session-by-session, song-by-song, album-by-album, tour-by-tour record of the band's progress is the complete reference source that fans have been waiting for. If you love 'the Champions of Rock', it's all here.
This is the Titan reprinted version of Georg’s 2007 book of the same name printed by Reynolds and Haim, so if you own that copy already, the odds are you won’t want this new one as there isn’t anything new to add. However if you have a Queen fan in your home that doesn’t own a copy, this one is a delightful trip through the albums as well as individual tracks so that the reader knows the bands full history and trivia in regard to the groups work together and as individuals.
Sadly there are no illustrations in this version (not even album covers) but the sheer volume of information makes this an invaluable piece for the Queen Collector. A decent book all in and one that will have pride of place on my shelves next to my own Queen albums. (Yes I’m that old. LOL)
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