Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Batman: Arkham City (Yep it’s on mine already.)
As such whilst most people will already know of these I wanted to bring some others to the fore. These games I’ve had fun with and wanted to share with you in case you’re looking for something a little different:

If you’re a huge fan of the other Lego games (Indiana Jones, Harry Potter and Star Wars) then the odds are you’re going to love this as they’ve spent a lot of time getting things right such as Captain Jack’s swagger for the character. Add to this the usual mayhem of smashing the environment to bits and earning additional characters and the player is in for a whole world of fun as theres loads of things to discover on each play through. The humour is right up there as usual and of course its good clean fun for everyone if you want a break from the usual death dealing blood splattered combat games out there.

Gears of War 3:
The final game in the famous franchise which see’s loss, hope and the world reclaimed for mankind after years of battles. It’s combat heavy, there’s tons of firepower and above all else the player will be knee deep in grubs as they slaughter their way across the landscape to save Phoenix’s father.
Add to this a whole host of new bad guys, some fun pick ups (like the massive swords of Berserker Grubs) and the player will be in 7th heaven. However if you’re not a fan of blood splatter or the heavy combat this may not be the game for you. In a similar vein is Space Marine although this, in my opinion is the superior.

A cop game with a difference. Here you start off as a patrol man and investigate crimes finding clues and interrogating suspects. Each correct answer leads you to more locations to find out more pertaining to the case, which you drive to (although prepare for a hefty bill if you’re as bad at it as me) as well as gaining extra bonus’ for helping out on Police Summons on the radio. It’s quirky, its different and its one that you have to think about as well as checking your notes to make sure that you pick the right option. The characters within will also give signals that let you know if they’re lying or not being fully forthright so you can question them about it and you can also choose to reveal certain aspects of your evidence during questioning to help you further the case.
As you undergo the investigations you get promoted and each new rank gives you a whole host of new one to solve. All in, it’s a lot of fun and as a player its something that is unlike any other game out there. A great thing from Rockstar games.
Hopefully this has helped you find something a little different for the Christmas market and of course, the prices of these are hitting the better budget area’s for those with seasonal cash to spend.
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