Ronan and Murel have left Petaybee on a mission to help rescue their friend Marmie, who has been falsely arrested on the orders of a corrupt Colonel. However, they end up being imprisoned themselves and taken to the Gwinnet Incarceration Colony. There they have to try to evade the clutches of their old adversary Dr Mabu, an unscrupulous scientist who wants to study their unusual shape-changing ability, and doesn't care how much pain her experiments cause them.
Meanwhile, the powerful and avaricious Company is making another attempt to take over the world of Petaybee for its resources, and the twins' parents, Yana and Sean, along with the entire planet, must fight to survive...
As a fan of Anne's work for a number of years I like to think I know her work pretty well. However to be honest, whilst this book is worth a read, I'm starting to wonder how much longer the luck of the twins is going to last before one of them bites the proverbial bullet. There luck is starting to become the longest streak going and I really want them to pick my lottery numbers.
With luck the next instalment will see an end to the series as otherwise I get the feeling its all going to get too ridiculous and that the authors are milking it for as much cash as they can get. A good read but I'd recommend reading the whole series.
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