The Palace of Laughter:
On a blustery October night the Circus Oscuro came to town. It was clear from the start that this was no ordinary circus. They did not roll into town with fanfares and cartwheeling clowns. Instead they came in the dead of night, when all the townspeople were asleep. The circus wagons turned into the long field at the bottom of the hill that overlooked the town of Larde, and creaked to a halt in neat rows with barely a sound. There was just one witness to the arrival of the circus. A small boy, huddled in a large wooden barrel high on the side of the hill, watched the raising of the big top, awakened from his sleep by the shouts of the circus people and the occasional trumpeting of the elephants. The boy's name was Miles, and the barrel was his home...
The Tigers Egg:
Miles and Little are now part of the Bolsillo brothers' circus, which features the mysterious Dr. Tau Tau as one of its main attractions. When Miles and Dr. Tau Tau go in search of information surrounding Miles's father, they are captured by a gang known as the Fir Bolg, who are looking for a powerful Tiger's Egg. Miles becomes involved in an extraordinary quest, which confronts him with the talking tiger once again. He also learns the true story behind his parents, their connection to the circus, and to the Egg. Meanwhile, the Great Cortado is on the loose and is looking for the Egg. But when the Egg's location is finally discovered, there are surprises in store for everyone...
An series that takes readers on an adventure filled with all the fun of the fair that allows the YA reader to get the most out of a story that appeal’s to both genders. Each character adds a new layer and texture to the story as each character backs up the weaknesses of the other with their own strengths. It’s a series that deserves to be read and enjoyed although it might be the type of story that really needs to be read an discussed so that each of the complex issues can be dealt with. Its fun, its interesting and it’s a story that really is a lot of fun so that we’ll look forward to reading other adventures in the series.
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