Convinced that Hughie was never what he seemed, Butcher goes to see the Legend- and sets something terrible in motion for our little Scots pal...
The Boys, Ennis Anti-Superhero squad return in this, the seventh (ironically) compendium as the tale hots up and Wee Huey has to face some hard choices. Beautifully written with the typical Ennis sense of humour the reader gets to see the caring side of the characters as well as gets to see the fall out as the truth finally unveils itself.
Add to this the wonderful artwork of Darrick Robertson who really brings the characters to life and you know that its something special, the only complaint that I have is the huge wait in-between to get each instalment. A real gem of a title for the adult audience and whilst some may thing that Graphic novels should remain in the realm of the Young Adult, this clearly demonstrates that they shouldn’t have all the fun.
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