Superhero feats and exhilarating fights are the climax of a comic book; with How to Draw Comic Book Action you will learn to draw this fun and vital part of comic art. Techniques for drawing every dynamic action are explained from running, swinging and flying through to fist fights, group rumbles, and battles.
If you’re a fan of comics then you more than likely have come across a lot of action sequences by Lee Garbett. Whether its through Batgirl or perhaps the now almost legendary Batman RIP as well as cult favourites like Strontium Dog. So who is better qualified to take the reader through a step by step guide on how to get action into your own sequences as well as helping you to avoid the cunningly concealed pitfalls and traps that many beginners and amateurs fall into.
Whilst Lee won’t take you through anatomy, he does take you through the various steps from finding your medium (some like pencils, some like computers etc) as well as through the various poses and construction to help create the hero of your imagination. Add to this a step by step guide to lighting, angles and action shots and you know that you’ll not only end up with something special but something that can help take your graphic novel to the next level. All in, this title is a real find and one that takes the time to explain why things are done in certain ways rather than others alongside giving the reader the chance to understand as well as take the lessons to heart in order to avoid a lot of major problems. Great stuff all in and one that will be used time and again.
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