Five centuries ago, a catastrophic demon war left the world in ruins. Since then, the survivors - humans, elves and other mutants - have found sanctuary in a mountain valley protected by magic. But now these protective wards have failed, and a ruthless troll army is on the brink of invasion.
Sider Ament was the survivors’ only hope for salvation. He was bearer of the last remaining black staff - a powerful talisman passed down through the centuries by the Knights of the Word - and the key to keeping the magic of the world in balance. But now Sider is dead.
To stave off annihilation, the staff’s magic must be preserved. Panterra Qu, a young Tracker gifted with the staff at Sider's death, struggles to control its power. And great sacrifices must be made - for all will pay a price if the war between the Word and the Void tips towards darkness.
As a fan of Terry’s writing, readers have long wanted to know how the world developed from the Knights of the Word to the world of Shannara which began in the first tale of the Legends of Shannara series, Bearer of the Black Staff. As with the original it is well written, the characters within helping to expand the detail and above all else it’s the clever twists and Terry’s ability to portray the spirit of man feeling within his work that really comes into its own.
Add to this some cracking twists, a great sense of pace and prose that really grips you in its fist until the last page and the reader will be left gasping for more. Great stuff all round although prior to reading this book I really do suggest that you start with the first title prior in order to get the full effect. Whilst this may come across as a mini world series that might not appeal to all, it is cleverly devised and for fans of Terry’s work it’s an absolute must have.
I. Love. Terry Brooks!!! Thanks so much for telling me he has a new book out, I didn't even know!!
ps: is it possible that you get titles in the UK before North America??
Thanks for the review... I've seen his books on the shelves for years, but somehow missed picking up the Shannara series. It sounds well worth a look.
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