After a peaceful hiatus at home in Rockabill, Jane True thinks that her worst problem is that she throws like a girl - at least while throwing fireballs. Her peace of mind ends, however, when Anyan arrives one night with terrible news ...news that will rock Jane's world to its very core. After demanding to help investigate a series of gruesome attacks on females - supernatural, halfling and human - Jane quickly finds herself forced to confront her darkest nightmares as well as her deepest desires. And she's not sure which she finds more frightening.
OK, let’s be honest here, the Jane True series is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, I love the way that Nicole writes the characters, I love the snark and I love the fact that the lead character isn’t the usual muscle bound fight her way out of any situation but uses smarts. It works for me and it’s refreshing, which when backed with a whole host of cracking secondary cast members makes this a series that’s hard to put down.
Add to this top notch prose, great pace as well as some clever twists to keep you guessing which when added to her own unique authorly writing style keeps this series moving along as well as fresh. It’s good adult fun all the way which when backed with so many deliciously dark delights, makes this hard to put down once it gets it’s hidden claws within you.
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