People often say that my books read like movies, that they watch the scenes in their heads as they turn the pages. I think this visual immediacy, this accessibility, is an important element of my writing and so it makes sense to me to make trailers for my books. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it! The other thing is that I just plain like making films. Working with director Philip Stevens and his crew at Urban Apache Films has been an honour and a privilege. It is fascinating to watch someone of Phil’s talent translating my words into moving images, and what we’ve both learned is that we share a very similar vision when it comes to re-creating the past and creating a slice of drama.

If I had a pound for every time a reader has asked when my books are going to be made into movies, I’d have enough money to call up Phil and Urban Apache and make it happen.
To see Gile's finished Trailer go Here with us reviewing the book on the 27th April.
I have seen the trailer some days ago. Great...
Book is already on my "to buy" list.
Wow! Nice trailer. The cuts from dark screen to prepping the musket build the suspense.
But I have to say I sort of winced when the matchlock musket went off! Wouldn't want to fire one of those! Let alone be on the receiving side!
This is the best book trailer for a historical novel that I have ever seen, and I've been looking at quite a lot of them. Congratulations to everyone involved!
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