Man and monster are in his blood. . .
His name is Jeremiah Fall. A soldier of fortune, he has been fighting his own war for 150 years--ever since the beast in him was born.
Desperate to restore his lost humanity, Fall crosses the sands of Egypt, discovers a lost city off the coast of France, and finally arrives at the birthplace of all mankind. Shunning daylight and feeding only when he must, he battles the monster who transformed him forever. He can share his deepest secret with no one . . . not even the beautiful woman he starts to love, the only human who grasps the mysteries of an ebony stone as old as creation itself.
Across the world, across time, Fall seeks the stone's secret. But has he found a cure for himself or unleashed a final curse on all mankind?
All in, I revel in the unusual and that’s certainly what you get in this book by Stefan Petrucha as contained within is a story of love, of pursued redemption and above all else kick ass plot as vampiric Jeremiah Fall charges headlong into the night to find a cure for his condition. It’s definitely a title that will appeal to a niche market and whilst it won’t please everyone, the elements within have been quite inventive with a touch of the hat to Howard with the tales principle character who feels like a vampiric Solomon Kane.
Add to this some descent prose, an author with a good understanding of pace and also one who believes in a character driven story and it’s something that hits the spot for me as a reader. The only real downside is the supporting cast who feel more there to help direct the hero and more shadows that fully formed as they appear and disappear at the drop of the hat. That said, if you want a story that will take you the world over and one with an interesting lead hero then this could very well be the book for you.
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