Wednesday 12 September 2012

VIDEO GAME NEWS: Dishonored: Developer Documentary: Immersion - Bethesda

Hail Mighty Readers and Followers of the Calloused Thumbs,
Our friends at Bethesda have let us know about the latest V-Blog from the Developers about the game. 

Whilst the game isn't out until October we're really looking forward to sneaking, stabbing and of course using arcane powers in our quest for vengeance.

Lady Eleanor has been taking strategic notes from Sun Tzu, has plans in place after researching into the games powers and of course is all ready to start wetworking her way around the world.  (Lets just say that she'll pretty much be butchering everything where I'm more your just eliminate the target type of gamer.)

Anyway here's the latest Diary for you to enjoy:
All the best, Gareth and Lady Eleanor

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