Crop Dusting. Premature Evacuation. Prostitot. Rainbow Kiss. Sideways Smile. These words are just a small sample of the enormous world of profanity that you will enter with The Big Black Book of Very Dirty Words . We're talking about over 2,000 of the greatest insults, obscenities, and vulgarities that make you proud to know the English language. We're not cock teasing you when we say you'll discover dirty words that you definitely didn't learn in grammar class. Where else will you learn to swear like a true pimp at any douchebag who crosses your path with an insult like how he's a frakkin' shmonster who isn't batting with a full wicket? So swear as much as you want, and you'll be friggin' sweet. Because with this kickass wordbook, you'll never have as much fun - or be more nasty.
OK, I’ll admit it, my mind is usually in the gutter and when someone uses an expression for a dirty word that I’ve not heard before I like to know to which it refers. So now I’ve got a great companion to help me steer the streets of slang as well as modern parlance and translation.
Whilst some may say that Alex’s book is a bit childish, its definitely one that is a whole lot of fun (and yes, we did clock you flicking through for your favourite words whilst pretending to fake all innocence. LOL) Good fun and whilst perhaps not to be left within the reach of children it’s a title that is a whole lot of fun for the adult (and a handy gift guide for some of the US television that we’re now that uses expressions that I’ve never heard before) which all in, makes this a great gift for the holiday period.
This looks really funny! I think my husband would like it a lot...he's a little childish at times! Great xmas gift!
I think this sounds like a wickedly funny and informative book since my vocab is 'colorful' most of the time. I'd like to learn some new slang words to increase that already creative vocab. LOL Thanks Gareth... :)
Wonderful Gareth! A great opportunity forme to learn more English.
I might have to pick that one up--one for a gift and one for myself. :)
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