It had all begun with a curious investigation of an ancient Arabian jar and the strange legends of sorcery symbolized by it. Then legend and logic decide that the jar must be opened. The secret of the Djinn must be exposed to the light of reality...
The second novel by Graham Masterton and his writing style was accomplished early on as there was no padding with the reader thrust straight to the heart of the tale. As I’d come to expect from Graham, the story was creepy and whilst Genies hadn’t done anything to me in the past, I found it to be quite horrific as the darker side of these creatures came to the fore.
My main gripe with this offering was the lack of character building from the author and whilst he goes to correct this later on in his writing was a complaint that I felt I should being to the fore here. You still get a great offering and a title that will impress but perhaps most of all you get to see a writer at the start of his career with a story that is still just as powerful nearly 40 years later.
Hello, what a great blog you have! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog, I'm following you now too :-)
Great cover! This sounds interesting and different to me. I might take a look...see what the first few pages are like.
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